"Kadar kesuburan di Malaysia menurun berbanding 1990-an. Masalah ketidaksuburan itu menjejaskan antara 10 hingga 15 peratus pasangan di Malaysia"
(Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai)
"Kadar kesuburan di Malaysia adalah 2.6 bayi untuk sepasang suami isteri pada 2007 iaitu penurunan daripada kira-kira 3.6 bayi untuk satu pasangan pada 1990"
(Laporan Tabung Pendidikan Kanak-kanak Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (Unicef))
"20% pasangan yang mendapatkan rawatan kesuburan tidak merancang hubungan kelamin pada masa-masa yang tepat disebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kesuburan"
(American Infertility Association( AIA))
"Dianggarkan bahawa 4.5 juta pasangan di US mengalami masalah ketidaksuburan setiap tahun. Kurang dari 2 juta daripada pasangan-pasangan ini yang mendapatkan bantuan khidmat nasihat dan rawatan kesuburan dari mana-mana pusat rawatan kesihatan. Ia adalah kurang dari separuh.
Dari jumlah tersebut, 90% daripada mereka dapat dikenalpasti masalah-masalah yang dialami melalui diagnosis yang dijalankan oleh pakar-pakar dalam bidang fertiliti."
(National Center for Health Statistics(NCHS), US)
Bagi para isteri/suami yang menghadapi masalah kesuburan, jalinan hubungan dan dorongan bersama adalah mustahak.
Terdapat pelbagai usaha yang boleh diambil kira, anda boleh memilih untuk mengambil ubat kesuburan (fertility drugs) atau mencuba secara semulajadi tetapi dengan panduan kiraan masa yang betul ketika bersama seperti nasihat doktor.
Jika masih gagal, terdapat kaedah perubatan moden yang boleh diikhtiarkan..
IUI (Intrauterine insemination).
Apa kah Kaedah IUI?
IUI is a fertility treatment that uses a catheter to place a number of washed sperm directly into the uterus. The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the chance of fertilization.
Although IUI still requires the sperm to reach and fertilize the egg on its own, it is important to make sure that the sperm is healthy and mobile. IUI provides the sperm an advantage by giving it a head start, but it still has to seek out the egg on its own.
They said that IUI is a painless procedure but actually it depends on individual. For me, it hurts so much that I swore not to do it again after the 2nd attempt. Lucky enough, I got pregnant after the 2nd attempt.
The IUI procedure is simple and may be performed even if the woman is not receiving medication to improve her egg production. Many physicians will encourage women to take medications to stimulate the ovaries in order to increase egg production and, hopefully, the chance of achieving pregnancy.
An ultrasound will be used to monitor the size of the follicles (follicles develop into eggs). The hormone, human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), is administered to stimulate the release of eggs from the follicles within 34-40 hours.
To help rupture the eggs (release it from the follicles), you need to be injected with the hcG dose.
There are 2 types of ultrasounds for women – abdominal and pelvic. Abdominal scan is usually done to monitor baby in the womb. In our case, pelvic or vaginal scan is carried out. You must empty your bladder before the ultrasound procedure (the nurse will inform this to the first timer).
During ultrasound, the nurse will ask you to take off your pant and panty. And, climbed to lay down on a special chair with both legs rested on the purple foot rest. Your legs will be wide open and covered with a white sheet.
The doctor then put a little blue gel on the ultrasound tranducer which is protected with a protective cover (looked like condom to me). Then she will probe the tranducer inside your vagina.
The ultrasound image is immediately visible on a nearby screen that looks much like a computer or television monitor.
The doctor will move the tranducer to the left and right to see the size of eggs in both your ovaries. Sometimes the movement hurt but not much.
And, you can actually see your eggs in the monitor! The doctor will record the size of each egg and determine its maturity. Sometimes the doctor can see an ovarian cyst (if any) during the ultrasound.
A semen sample will be processed by the lab in order to separate the semen from the seminal fluid. A catheter is used to inject the processed sperm directly into the uterus. This process maximizes the number of sperm cells that are placed in the uterus and thus increases the possibility of conception.
The IUI procedure is short and involves minimal discomfort. The next step is to watch for signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
Before the IUI procedure, your husband need to produce his sperms in a small container with your name on it.
If the husband think it’s hard to do it alone by masturbating, you can actually get into the room with him. You know how to help him, right?
The sperms will then be washed in the lab to separate unwanted residues from the active sperms. Only the washed sperms will be inserted into your womb during IUI procedure.
How successful is IUI?
Younger women usually have higher rates of success compared to women over age 35, but the average success rate for IUI ranges from 10-20% in one cycle. With IUI, as with other methods of artificial insemination, the success is dependent on the health of the sperm and the woman’s body.
The success rate varies. A friend got pregnant after 4th attempt while another one never succeed. So, please don’t give up!
source : http://littlemamadiary.com/lppkn-iui-procedure/
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