Sesaat kekadang aku begitu pantas mendapat ilham untuk entri lamanku ini,namun ada masanya aku kalah dengan mainan perasaan yang membuat aku ti dak betah untuk berbuat apa-apa...
Perasaan aku kekadang menjadi sangat sensitif dan dingin..Aku dalam ruangan duniaku...kasian suamiku,tiada manis dipamerkan oleh riak wajah ku tika itu...sedangkan dia kepenatan bekerja seharian diluar..aku pentingkan diri perlukan perhatian...
Aku seolah-olah tidak dapat menerima lagi akan takdir yang telah tersurat..redha akan segalanya..
Menerima atau pasrah bukan bererti kita kalah,tapi adalah sekuat-kuat iman seorang insan kepada PenciptaNya..
Jangan terlalu diikut kata hati,bisikan syaitan semata-mata yang hanya mahu menyesatkan anak Adam.
Jalani hidup sekarang bersama suami tercinta dengan penuh cahaya kesyukuran dan kegembiraan...Jangan difikirkan sangat apa yang tidak dapat diperolehi,setiap orang ada liku-liku hidup masing-masing..Mereka bahagia,baguslah bagi mereka,usah dicemburui kehidupan orang lain...Usah jadikan kehidupan orang lain satu titik tolak kayu ukur kehidupan kamu..
Kasianilah diri kamu sendiri,jangan diseksa dengan kemaruk fikiran yang menggila,tanpa arah penghujung cerita duka..terima segalanya sebagai rencah kehidupan seibarat semanis KURMA.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Friday, 24 June 2011
Memories Goes by @Tagaytay City,Philippines
Mengimbau kenangan lalu ketika menghadiri kursus
"Participatory Approaches in Managing Extension Delivery Systems (Phase 2)"
anjuran JICA di DAP Tagaytay City,Filipina
pada tarikh 15hb Oktober - 28hb Oktober 2006.
Delegation from Malaysia,of course one and only "alone ranger"..huhuhu...but it's okay,need to survive independently.
Presentation :
Field visit :
"Participatory Approaches in Managing Extension Delivery Systems (Phase 2)"
anjuran JICA di DAP Tagaytay City,Filipina
pada tarikh 15hb Oktober - 28hb Oktober 2006.
Kehadiran ke DA-ATI Tagaytay disambut mesra. |
Melengkap borang kursus bersama teman dari Indonesi Ibu Femmy dan Pak Paman |
Delegation from Indonesia |
Delegation from Lao PDR |
Delegation from Myanmar |
Delegation from Philippine |
Delegation from Thailand |
Delegation from Timor Leste |
Delegation from Vietnam |
Delegation from Cambodia |
Presentation :
Country Report Presentation |
Q&A for group Philippines.. |
Tugasan |
Los Banos National Crop Reserach & Development |
All together in PCARRD |
Los Banos University,College of Public affair |
Castle of Fantasy World |
YenBentez Sycip Center for Rural Recontruction |
Municipality od Silang,Cavite Province |
Cavite State University |
Ambik ko ladang Khinzir...(ps:aku gie shopping time bagi peserta lain amik) |
Meet President of Philippine ....class ghitu..iron lady.
Smile you all |
shake hand Malaysia & Philippines |
Group photo at Da-ATI |
Ifugao Dancer ethnic in Philippines |
Local dance inPhilipphines |
Antara gambar-gambar yang dapat dikongsi setakat ini...
To all my dearest friends in that course i wish you all Happy life..been with you all was the best moment.
Tapi pengalaman yang sangat mendebarkan ialah tatkala berhadapan dengan gegaran gempa bumi berskala 6.0 magnitude richter.Takut friend ada yang sembunyi bawah katil dengan timbunan tilam...lawak..aku dah lari KELUAR bangunannya..
Berpuasa di negara yang majoriti penduduk adalah kristian dengan 5% Islam adalah sangat sengsara,nasib ada seludup bekalan makanan...non-HALAL jadi hidangan setiap hari,walaupun telah diberitahu ada peserta Muslim. Namun akhirnya,terpaksalah juga hampir tiap-tiap hari kita minta telur rebus disediakan. Menu saya hari-hari putih dengan telur rebus (+ bekalan sambal hitam yang dibekalkan oleh my staff..thanks Kak Ana).Tapi yang pelik peserta dari Indonesia nie kekadang baham semua,maybe darurat kot katanya.Hentam jer ler labu (bak kata P.Ramlee)..aku sensitif,kalau ikutkan hati pinggan mangkuk,sudu semuanya pun aku tak sanggup guna..
Sebelum menjelang Aidilfitri,aku ada telefon keluarga di Malaysia (kredit sangat mahal dan tempohnya pendek) menanyakan bila tibanya 1 Syawal disana dan mohon ampun dan maaf kat mak & ayah khusunya. Dan nak jadikan cerita 1 Syawal (ikut waktu Malaysia) yang ditunggu oleh seluruh umat Islam pun menjelang,tapi sayang aku tak dapat nak dengar takbir berkumandang dan masa itu jugak aku ada kelas tapi aku mohon seorang pengajar (Paderi) untuk hantar ke Masjid ikut serta peserta Indonesia..Paderi salah bawa,dia bawa kami ke kuil yang rupanya berkubah jugak..last-last,pusing punya pusing jumpalah juga masjidnya..terfikir dihati, umat Islam di sini tak menyambut raya ker??sebabnya tak ada sambutan pun cuma ada kain rentang,itu pun dibeberapa tempat saja.Tiba dimasjid selepas puas berpusing2,Paderi pun bertanyakan penduduk setempat yang Muslim,rupa-rupanya mereka semua sudah bersolat Aidilfitri semalamnya..Nak buat macammana aku teruskan juga niat untuk bersolat Aidilfitri ikut waktu Malaysia.
Sedih bila sambut Aidilfitri sorang-sorang nie & jauh daripada keluarga,syahdu sampai mengalir air mata...tika inilah baru kita merasa perlunya keluarga dan rindunya nak balik Malaysia.
...............................Jauh perjalan,luas pengalaman.
.....................Pengalaman mengajar kita erti berdikari
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Costing for First Trial IUI Procedure
Private Hospital for Fertility Treatment (IUI Procedure)
1st visit (consultan views)
TOTAL = RM 145
2nd visit
- Medication = RM 270
3th visit
- Consultation Fee = RM 40
- Vag,Scan = RM 50
- Medication = RM 50 + RM 540
TOTAL = RM 680
4th visit
- Consultation Fee = RM 40
- Vag.Scan = RM 50
- Medication = RM 540
TOTAL = RM 676![]()
5th visit
- Consultation Fee = RM 40
6th visit
- Medication = RM 155
- IUI operation = RM 500
TOTAL = RM 655
Whole Treatment ( from 1st visit to 6 times ) = RM 2896.00
Jika hasrat dan keinginan memiliki zuriat..dan ini salah satu usaha selain berdoa dan berserah,
pastinya dengan jumlah sebegini besar menjadi satu beban yang besar dan tentu sukar untuk yang kurang berkemampuan mencuba ikhtiar sebegini.....
Peratus berjaya bagi proses ini pun belum tentu, ianya mengikut kriteria juga.(10%-18% kejayaan )
...The big amount... < % of successful.
...................................................Sabar mencerminkan keimanan
...........................setiap segala dugaan itu menguji keimanan manusia.
..............Jangan sesekali menyesali dan mempertikai Qada & QadarNYa.
1st visit (consultan views)
-Register = RM 5
-Consultation Fee = RM 70
-Vag.Scan = RM 70-Consultation Fee = RM 70
TOTAL = RM 145
2nd visit
- Medication = RM 270
- Tests = RM 150
TOTAL = RM 420 3th visit
- Consultation Fee = RM 40
- Vag,Scan = RM 50
- Medication = RM 50 + RM 540
TOTAL = RM 680
- Consultation Fee = RM 40
- Vag.Scan = RM 50
- Medication = RM 540
TOTAL = RM 676
5th visit
- Consultation Fee = RM 40
- Vag.Scan = RM 50
- Test = RM 30
- Pregnyl = RM 200
TOTAL = RM 320
6th visit
- Medication = RM 155
- IUI operation = RM 500
TOTAL = RM 655
Whole Treatment ( from 1st visit to 6 times ) = RM 2896.00
Jika hasrat dan keinginan memiliki zuriat..dan ini salah satu usaha selain berdoa dan berserah,
pastinya dengan jumlah sebegini besar menjadi satu beban yang besar dan tentu sukar untuk yang kurang berkemampuan mencuba ikhtiar sebegini.....
Peratus berjaya bagi proses ini pun belum tentu, ianya mengikut kriteria juga.(10%-18% kejayaan )
...The big amount... < % of successful.
...................................................Sabar mencerminkan keimanan
...........................setiap segala dugaan itu menguji keimanan manusia.
..............Jangan sesekali menyesali dan mempertikai Qada & QadarNYa.
Just to READ only..
From my mailbox..
Calendar for July 2011
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Money bags
This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one who does not forward.....will be without money.
Kinda interesting - read on!!!
This year we're going to experience four unusual dates.
1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all...
Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born - now add
the age you will be this year, The results will be 111 for everyone in whole world. This is the year of the Money!!! The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends money will appear in next four days as it is explained in Chinese FENG SHUI.
Its a mystery, but its worth a try, good luck
Calendar for July 2011
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Money bags
This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one who does not forward.....will be without money.
Kinda interesting - read on!!!
This year we're going to experience four unusual dates.
1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 and that's not all...
Take the last two digits of the year in which you were born - now add
the age you will be this year, The results will be 111 for everyone in whole world. This is the year of the Money!!! The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends money will appear in next four days as it is explained in Chinese FENG SHUI.
Its a mystery, but its worth a try, good luck
Friday, 17 June 2011
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Up to You???
From my Mailbox that Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 4:25 PM
Subject: FW: up to u
Let share this,&
think wisely it's meaning........hahahaa
Subject: FW: up to u
Let share this,&
think wisely it's meaning........hahahaa
Bila Manusia berhati IBLIS dan berperangai kejam lebih dari BINATANG.
Tika hati ini sayu akan dambaan naluri menjadi seorang ibu....berita pada awal bulan Jun 2011 ini melahirkan keinsafan dihati,
betapa rendahnya nilai diri seorang makhluk bernama Manusia ini..
sedangkan Allah swt telah menciptakan kita sebaik-baik kejadian untuk diamanahkanNya menjadi khalifah dibumi ini..
MasyaAllah....semoga pintu taubat mu masih terbuka buat kami yang lalai & alpa ini...
KUALA LUMPUR,June 5,2011 – Sepasukan anggota polis yang menjalankan siasatan mengenai satu kes pembunuhan kelu seketika apabila dilanda perasaan pilu sebaik melihat mayat seorang bayi lelaki yang ditemui dalam keadaan kepala pecah hingga menampakkan otaknya semalam.
Pembunuhan kejam itu berlaku apabila pelakunya dikatakan hendak mencampak bayi tersebut dari tempat tinggi terus ke dalam tong sampah yang berada di bawah.
Tetapi malang, balingannya tidak cukup kuat lalu tersasar sejauh tiga meter menyebabkan mangsa terhempas di atas jalan.
Bagaimanapun, polis masih belum dapat memastikan sama ada bayi itu masih hidup atau sudah mati ketika dicampak pelaku durjana tersebut.
Ketua Polis Daerah Sentul, Asisten Komisioner Zakaria Pagan berkata, pihaknya bergegas ke lokasi kejadian sebaik menerima maklumat pada pukul 12 tengah malam.
Katanya, mayat bayi itu ditemui dibungkus dengan beg plastik di tempat letak kereta pangsapuri tersebut oleh seorang lelaki yang baru pulang dari tempat kerjanya.
“Pemeriksaan awal mendapati bayi yang masih bertali pusat dan cukup sifat itu mengalami kecederaan parah di kepala.
“Kita percaya ia berlaku selepas pelakunya dikatakan hendak mencampak bayi tersebut dari tempat tinggi ke dalam tong sampah di bawah namun ia terjatuh di kawasan letak kereta kira-kira tiga meter dari tong berkenaan,” katanya ketika dihubungi Kosmo! semalam.
betapa rendahnya nilai diri seorang makhluk bernama Manusia ini..
sedangkan Allah swt telah menciptakan kita sebaik-baik kejadian untuk diamanahkanNya menjadi khalifah dibumi ini..
MasyaAllah....semoga pintu taubat mu masih terbuka buat kami yang lalai & alpa ini...
KUALA LUMPUR,June 5,2011 – Sepasukan anggota polis yang menjalankan siasatan mengenai satu kes pembunuhan kelu seketika apabila dilanda perasaan pilu sebaik melihat mayat seorang bayi lelaki yang ditemui dalam keadaan kepala pecah hingga menampakkan otaknya semalam.
Pembunuhan kejam itu berlaku apabila pelakunya dikatakan hendak mencampak bayi tersebut dari tempat tinggi terus ke dalam tong sampah yang berada di bawah.
Tetapi malang, balingannya tidak cukup kuat lalu tersasar sejauh tiga meter menyebabkan mangsa terhempas di atas jalan.
Bagaimanapun, polis masih belum dapat memastikan sama ada bayi itu masih hidup atau sudah mati ketika dicampak pelaku durjana tersebut.
Ketua Polis Daerah Sentul, Asisten Komisioner Zakaria Pagan berkata, pihaknya bergegas ke lokasi kejadian sebaik menerima maklumat pada pukul 12 tengah malam.
Katanya, mayat bayi itu ditemui dibungkus dengan beg plastik di tempat letak kereta pangsapuri tersebut oleh seorang lelaki yang baru pulang dari tempat kerjanya.
“Pemeriksaan awal mendapati bayi yang masih bertali pusat dan cukup sifat itu mengalami kecederaan parah di kepala.
“Kita percaya ia berlaku selepas pelakunya dikatakan hendak mencampak bayi tersebut dari tempat tinggi ke dalam tong sampah di bawah namun ia terjatuh di kawasan letak kereta kira-kira tiga meter dari tong berkenaan,” katanya ketika dihubungi Kosmo! semalam.
Giant Rat..
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
New Book Release...
From my Mailbox,let share with me;
New Book on "How to Understand Women"
Now available at your nearest book store........
Incredible Aerial Photography.
From my Mailbox, let share with me;
Subject: Incredible Aerial Photography
Born in Paris, France on March 13, 1946, Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a world-renowned photographer specializing in aerial photography. He didn’t fully realize his talents as a photographer until he was older (early thirties), spending three years in the late 70s, in Kenya living with the Massai tribe and studying the behaviour of a pride of lions. He thus discovered a new passion for photography and the beauty of landscapes when observed from above in hot air balloons. He understood the power of a picture and how to communicate using this means..
Below you will find a small sample of his incredible work, along with a short biography of Yann, and his thoughts on various concepts and ideas, enjoy!
Upon his return to France, he published in 1981 his first book Lions, first release of a series of 80 books. He also began a career as a reporter-photographer and closely worked with various naturalists including Dian Fossey and her mountain gorillas in Rwanda. His work was published in many internationally known magazines such as Paris Match, Geo, Life or National Geographic. In 1991, Yann created Altitude, the first photo agency specialized in aerial photography.
In the 90s, under the patronage of UNESCO, Yann embarked upon his most ambitious project: creating an image bank of the Earth seen from above. Yann’s aim was to create a record of the world’s environment for present and future generations. In 1999, his work was published and The Earth from Above, translated in 24 languages, became one of the best selling illustrated books with more than three million copies sold worldwide. The Earth from Above is also an open-air free access exhibition that travels in more than 100 cities around the world and has attracted to this date over 100 million visitors.. But it is still a work in progress. Many countries remain to be visited, and geographical coordinates of every shot will allow other photographers and scientists to locate and document the evolution of these sites.
In 2005 Yann Arthus-Bertrand created GoodPlanet, a non-profit organization which is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development, his leitmotiv, through all his different projects. Yann would like to enable each and every one of us to become a custodian of our planet’s future and consequently of our own future. He also directed a series of four, two hour documentaries entitled Earth From Above – which was shown on French television in 2006-2007 –, and started this year the production of a feature length film on the state of the global environment and the challenges we are facing.
“For a long time, I was afraid to use that word. Still, it holds a truth and I have made it mine.. There is a universal quality about beauty; in front of a vast landscape, we all share the same feeling of wonder. When nature is beautiful, we are all moved by it. While taking a photo ‘for beauty at its best’, I aim at eliciting emotion to provoke thought and the need to know more, to read the caption and learn what is at stake on the image.”
“When framing a photograph, one looks with more tension, more professionally; one concentrates, detached. The eye is alert. Emotion comes later. With time, the camera becomes an extension of oneself. I am practically unable to look at the world outside the frame of the camera. I am obsessed with the Large Picture. So much so that I would rather not see certain things than see them without a camera. Naturally, the photos I remember best are those I failed to take.”
“For me, photography is a way to share what I have seen. It also allows me to live the kind of life I want to live. I became an animal photographer to stay in Africa and study the lions. In the early stages at least, photography is the profession you embrace to live on the roads and travel; a camera provides an excellent excuse to take off, leaving responsibilities and ties behind.
I started out without much of a photographic culture and approached the profession as an entrepreneur: I needed to provide ideas, to be methodical in my projects.
Technique has always seemed secondary to me. Nowadays, we are all capable of taking good pictures, particularly since auto-focus and digital cameras. It most certainly makes for demystification.
You need talent to ‘see’ – not to press the button. The best shots derive from enlightened amateurism, from the free and open vision of the amateur coupled with careful consideration, for photography demands much distancing. Which takes us back to the old and ongoing debate: is photography a fully-fledged art form, or just a means to testify?”
“I became less flexible as a result of knowing the Earth. Since we all have a share of responsibility, I try to do my part on a daily basis. Earth from above, the book, sold over 2 million copies, plus the exhibitions and published photographs (with their captions, always). This means my work has a definite impact. Hence, like all journalists, I must give careful thought to my responsibilities.. In Buddhist philosophy, if your life is not in keeping with your words, your words are worth nothing. I believe each of us should attempt at leading an exemplary life. Though perfection may be an illusory goal, striving towards it in everyday life must deserve some credit.”
Subject: Incredible Aerial Photography
Born in Paris, France on March 13, 1946, Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a world-renowned photographer specializing in aerial photography. He didn’t fully realize his talents as a photographer until he was older (early thirties), spending three years in the late 70s, in Kenya living with the Massai tribe and studying the behaviour of a pride of lions. He thus discovered a new passion for photography and the beauty of landscapes when observed from above in hot air balloons. He understood the power of a picture and how to communicate using this means..
Below you will find a small sample of his incredible work, along with a short biography of Yann, and his thoughts on various concepts and ideas, enjoy!
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Tasmania, Australia |
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Masai Mara Nasional Park,Kenya Afrika |
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Machu Picchu,Peru |
Upon his return to France, he published in 1981 his first book Lions, first release of a series of 80 books. He also began a career as a reporter-photographer and closely worked with various naturalists including Dian Fossey and her mountain gorillas in Rwanda. His work was published in many internationally known magazines such as Paris Match, Geo, Life or National Geographic. In 1991, Yann created Altitude, the first photo agency specialized in aerial photography.
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Easter Island,Chile |
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Coal Mines,South Africa |
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Jengish,Kyrgyzstan |
In the 90s, under the patronage of UNESCO, Yann embarked upon his most ambitious project: creating an image bank of the Earth seen from above. Yann’s aim was to create a record of the world’s environment for present and future generations. In 1999, his work was published and The Earth from Above, translated in 24 languages, became one of the best selling illustrated books with more than three million copies sold worldwide. The Earth from Above is also an open-air free access exhibition that travels in more than 100 cities around the world and has attracted to this date over 100 million visitors.. But it is still a work in progress. Many countries remain to be visited, and geographical coordinates of every shot will allow other photographers and scientists to locate and document the evolution of these sites.
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Shali,Egypt |
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Suburbs of Copenhagen, Denmark |
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Fraser Island Dune,Australia |
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Favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
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Sha Kibbutz,Israel |
“For a long time, I was afraid to use that word. Still, it holds a truth and I have made it mine.. There is a universal quality about beauty; in front of a vast landscape, we all share the same feeling of wonder. When nature is beautiful, we are all moved by it. While taking a photo ‘for beauty at its best’, I aim at eliciting emotion to provoke thought and the need to know more, to read the caption and learn what is at stake on the image.”
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Stockholm,Sweden |
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Pena,Portugal |
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Paris,France |
“When framing a photograph, one looks with more tension, more professionally; one concentrates, detached. The eye is alert. Emotion comes later. With time, the camera becomes an extension of oneself. I am practically unable to look at the world outside the frame of the camera. I am obsessed with the Large Picture. So much so that I would rather not see certain things than see them without a camera. Naturally, the photos I remember best are those I failed to take.”
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Hashima Island,Japan |
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Walled City of Dubrovnik, Croatia |
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Boat Houses of Lagos,Nigeria |
“For me, photography is a way to share what I have seen. It also allows me to live the kind of life I want to live. I became an animal photographer to stay in Africa and study the lions. In the early stages at least, photography is the profession you embrace to live on the roads and travel; a camera provides an excellent excuse to take off, leaving responsibilities and ties behind.
I started out without much of a photographic culture and approached the profession as an entrepreneur: I needed to provide ideas, to be methodical in my projects.
Technique has always seemed secondary to me. Nowadays, we are all capable of taking good pictures, particularly since auto-focus and digital cameras. It most certainly makes for demystification.
You need talent to ‘see’ – not to press the button. The best shots derive from enlightened amateurism, from the free and open vision of the amateur coupled with careful consideration, for photography demands much distancing. Which takes us back to the old and ongoing debate: is photography a fully-fledged art form, or just a means to testify?”
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Palm Jumeirah-Dubai UAE |
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Gullholmen,Sweden |
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Pigeon Houses-Mit Gahmr Delta,Egypt |
“I became less flexible as a result of knowing the Earth. Since we all have a share of responsibility, I try to do my part on a daily basis. Earth from above, the book, sold over 2 million copies, plus the exhibitions and published photographs (with their captions, always). This means my work has a definite impact. Hence, like all journalists, I must give careful thought to my responsibilities.. In Buddhist philosophy, if your life is not in keeping with your words, your words are worth nothing. I believe each of us should attempt at leading an exemplary life. Though perfection may be an illusory goal, striving towards it in everyday life must deserve some credit.”
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Solar Plant,andalusia Spain |
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Suburd,Denver,Colorado |
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Los Angeles Freeway,California |
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